시청자 의견

Does Samsung Fire Insurance return the insurance premium. 등록일 : 2019-01-08 06:18

Does Samsung Fire Insurance return the insurance premium. Samsung Fire Insurance Lee Yeon Haeng, June 29, 1998. Using his own illness (CRPS)2006, Aug. 18, 2006, a fraudulent act that is a legal status due to fraud case (69,350 won)In the challenge of ending the trial of the 2007 Gala 27804,By using the false findings of Chosun University Hospital, which had nothing to do with the family (Fukuchiyama Co., Ltd.) who had falsified the date of the onset of CRPS,A victim of a traffic accident (537,718,619 won) (Corporation) 3 times in group discount rate of family, use premium rate 250% Premium bomb, (Corporation) Even if we slaughter family extortion (corporation) family of comprehensive premium of family,Even if you have scammed insurance policies, insurance contracts,2013, new evidence Gwangju Donggwon Public Health Center 19479 official document, even if there is insurance industry business Article 102-3 and article 204 (penalty)This is the prosecution of the Financial Supervisory Service, the Audit Office, Seoul Police,In this way, Samsung Fire Insurance is all over the Republic of Korea.This is why we are urging the people to participate in the investigation. e-mail: ck5114@naver.com
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